Kiemelt bejegyzés

"Boldog vagyok, mert lemondtam a boldogságról." IX. ~ "fogalom leszel!" / ἀκάνθινον στέφανον

  "A szentek számára sem problémamentes életművük megvalósítása." ( Walter Nigg ) "Minél szentebbé válik egy ember, annál...


Λογος ~ What is Love? IV. / God is Love ~ szubordinacionizmus III. ( Divine Essence )

 Divine Essence



 "Already it has been stated repeatedly that in God there can be no distinction between essence and attributes, and that just for that reason the conception 'attribute 'is not particularly well fitted to set forth the Divine Essence. Stil1, this also implies that, in so
far as anything true is predicated of God by means of what we posit as a divine attribute, what is thus truly predicated must also express the Divine Essence itself.
( Schleiermacher, The Christian faith, Love the essence of God, § 167. God is Love. 730 )

Szeretem Schleiermachert..., állításai rendszerint könnyen elfogadhatók számomra, sejtetései méginkább vonzóak számomra.

Hogy is van ez?

Ne bontsuk szét a "υπόστασις"-okat, mert nem illő, de figyeljük hogyan bomlanak szét azok maguktól? Sőt olvassuk azt a Szentírásban..., ahogy maga bomlik szét magától.

Mert szét KELL bomlania, ahogy az igények sokfélesége hozza..., a Szeretetből a Szeretetért.

"And while certainly we might venture to say that God is loving omnipotence or omnipotent love, yet we must admit that in the first of these forms as much as in the second love alone is made the equivalent of the being or essence of God." ( Schleiermacher, The Christian faith, Love the essence of God, § 167. God is Love. 730 )

Kiváló az ábra:

 Istent az isteni törvények legerősebbje tartja egyben, mellyel még Ő sem fordulhat szembe, Ő a Szeretet.

 "Love and wisdom alone, then, can claim to be not mere attributes but also expressions of the very essence of God, while yet we do not say God is wisdom precisely as we do God is love; and the point is one which we can elucidate as follows, even before we deal with the conception of wisdom. If we look at the way in which we become aware of the two attributes respectively, it turns out that we have the sense of divine love directlyin the consciousness of redemption, and as this is the basis on which all the rest of our God-consciousness is built up, it of course represents to us the essence of God. But the divine wisdom does not enter consciousness thus directly, but only as we extend ou-self-consciousness (as personal, but 'even more as racial consciousness) to cover the relation of all the elements of reality to each other. Indeed, since the two attributes cannot be conceived in separation from each other, and since love is not the perfection of wisdom but wisdom the perfection of love, it follows that love would not be implied in so absolute a degree if we thought God as wisdom, as wisdom would be if we thought Him as love. For where almighty love is, there must also absolute wisdom be." ( Schleiermacher, The Christian faith, Love the essence of God, § 167. God is Love. 730 )

Minden ebből származik..., még a Bölcsesség is. 

Mindazonáltal, némi félmosolyt érzek Schleiermacher arcán látni, amint ezeket a sorokat írja le:

"But if the equality of the Persons is asserted not merely as a formula but as an operative rule, such self-evidence must hold either of all three Persons or of none. The pre-eminence given to the Father in this respect proves that He is after all conceived as standing in a different relation to the unity of the Essence; so that those who feel it to be superfluous to prove that divine attributes and activities belong to the Father, while they insist on proof for the Son and the Spirit, are all of them far from being strict Trinitarians; for they identify
the Father with the unity of the Divine Essence, but not the Son or the Spirit. This can be traced right back to the idea of Origen, that the Father is God absolutely, while Son and Spirit are God only by participation in the Divine Essence-an idea which is positively rejected by orthodox Church teachers, but secretly underlies their whole procedure." ( Schleiermacher, The Christian faith, Future transformation of doctrine, § 167.Trinity. 747 ) 

Szóval, vannak aki teljes mértékben elvetetik Origenész tanítását..., mégis eszerint cselekszenek.  Vajon miért? ( Épp most volt Vízkereszt az Ortodox egyházak nagy ünnepe... )

“Eternal humanity is unweariedly busy in creating and in representing itself in the most varied ways in the provisional appearance of finite life.” ( Friedrich Schleiermacher )

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