Kiemelt bejegyzés

"Boldog vagyok, mert lemondtam a boldogságról." IX. ~ "fogalom leszel!" / ἀκάνθινον στέφανον

  "A szentek számára sem problémamentes életművük megvalósítása." ( Walter Nigg ) "Minél szentebbé válik egy ember, annál...


Gnosztikus irodalom CXII. / Πίστις Σοφία LXIV. ~ and the darkness withdraweth. / ὁ δὲ μὴ πιστεύων ἤδη κέκριται,

"In that it will lead your souls into the Light of the lights, into the regions of Truth and Goodness."


"ὁ δὲ μὴ πιστεύων ἤδη κέκριται, " - aki nem hisz, már el van ítélve!

"Thereafter his disciples said unto him: 

"Rabbi, reveal unto us the mystery of the Light of thy Father, since we heard thee say: "There is still a fire-baptism and there is still a baptism of the holy spirit of the Light, and there is a spiritual chrism; these lead the souls into the Treausury of the Light. Tell us, therefore, their mystery, so that we ourselves may inherit the kingdom of thy father."

Jesus said unto them: "There is no mystery which is more excellent than these mysteries
on which ye question, in that it will lead your souls into the Light of the lights, into the
regions of Truth and Goodness,
into the region of the Holy of all holies, into the region in
which there is neither female nor male, nor are there forms in that region, but a perpetual
indescribable Light. Nothing more excellent is there, therefore, than these mysteries on
which ye question, save only the mystery of the seven Voices and their nine-and-torty
powers and their ciphers. And there is no name which is more excellent than them all, the name in which are all names and all lights and all powers.

"Who then knoweth that name, if he cometh out of the body of matter, nor smoke nor
darkness nor authority nor ruler of the Fate-sphere nor angel nor archangel nor power can
hold down the soul which knoweth that name; but if it cometh out of the world and
sayeth that name to the fire, it is quenched and the darkness withdraweth.


Tegnap találtam a Twitteren..., mágikusnak hangzik, de lassan kezdek hinni az ilyesmikben. Ha szavaknak hatalmuk van, a neveknek miért ne lenne?

Morfogenetikus mező... 


"Each time we say, Jesus; we gain 300 days indulgence,* which we may apply to the souls in Purgatory, thus relieving and liberating very many of these holy souls from their awful pains. They thus become our best friend and pray for us with incredible fervor."


"And if it sayeth it to the demons and to the receivers of the outer darkness and their
rulers and their authorities and their powers, they Will all sink down and their flame will
burn and they will cry out: 'Holy, holy art thou, most holy of all holies.'

"And if one sayeth that name to the receivers of the wicked chastisements and their
authorities and all their powers and also to Barbelo ana the invisible god and the three
triple-powered gods, straightway if one will say tnis name n those regions, they will all
1all one on another, will be undone and destroyed and cy out: O Light of all lights.
wch is in the boundless lights, remember us and purity us."

And when Jesus had finished saying these words, all his disciples cried out, went with
loud sobbing, saying:... ( Pistis Sophia, 143. fejezet )



"Mert úgy szerette Isten a világot, hogy egyszülött Fiát adta oda, hogy aki hisz benne, az el ne vesszen, hanem örökké éljen. Nem azért küldte el Isten a Fiát a világba, hogy elítélje a világot, hanem, hogy üdvösséget szerezzen a világnak. Aki hisz benne, az nem esik ítélet alá, aki azonban nem hisz, már ítéletet vont magára, mert nem hitt az Isten egyszülött Fiában. Ez az ítélet: a világosság a világba jött, de az emberek jobban szerették a sötétséget, mint a világosságot, mert tetteik gonoszak voltak. Mert mindenki, aki gonoszat tesz, gyűlöli a világosságot, s nem megy a világosságra, nehogy kiderüljenek a tettei. Aki ellenben az igazsághoz szabja tetteit, a világosságra megy, hadd derüljön fény a tetteire, amelyeket az Istenben vitt végbe.”  ( Jn 3,16-21 )

( ὁ πιστεύων εἰς αὐτὸν οὐ κρίνεται · ὁ δὲ μὴ πιστεύων ἤδη κέκριται, ὅτι μὴ πεπίστευκεν εἰς τὸ ὄνομα τοῦ μονογενοῦς υἱοῦ τοῦ θεοῦ. )


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