The Resurrection.
"The Resurrection.This is a sublime experience, impossible of description unless it be within the walls of the sanctuary. The last stage of Christian initiation transcends all words and all analogy fails. At this stage man acquires the power of healing. Yet it must be realized that he who possesses it, possesses at the same time the inverse power to bring about disease. The negative invariably goes in hand with the positive. Hence the tremendous responsibility attaching to this power which may be characterized by the saying: The creative word issues from the soul aflame." ( Rudolf Steiner, An esoteric cosmology, VIII: The Christian Mystery, 38 )
"Nem öl az én törvényem, de
kedvez hősnek, gyöngének testvérileg, s joga van immár a szeretethez,
édes-szép joga mindenkinek. Véghetetlen vidám s büszke körben száll ez
az erő tovább, (...)" ( Hölderlin, Himnusz a szabadsághoz, 9 )
"(...) az ének kizúdult az ablakon, mint a vízesés." ( Kodolányi János, Én vagyok ) |
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