Kiemelt bejegyzés

"De máris vált a kép. Új mese szól a mikrofonból." ~ „Narcissus… hermafroditism… Bisexuality… Ah, interesting!"

"Isten is szeret. Ő is szenvedett. Ő is hosszú ideig várt a találkozásra." ( C. S Lewis, A nagy válás, 109 ) "De...


The Christian Mystery IV. ~ The Crowning with Thorns / "A sárkányt nevén nevezi, akkor megmenekül."

The Crowning with Thorns. 



 "The Crowning with Thorns. At this stage man must learn to brave the world morally and intellectually, to desist from anger when all that is most dear to him is being attacked. The capacity to remain aloof when everything is tumbling about our ears, to say "Yea" when the rest of the world says "Nay"-that is what must be acquired before the next step can be taken. This gives rise to a new symptom, namely dissociation or rather the
power of a momentary dissociation of three faculties which, in man, are united: the faculties of willing, feeling and thinking. We must learn to separate and to re-unite them at will. So long, for example, as some outer event carries us away with uncontrolled enthusiasm, we are immature, for such enthusiasm comes from the event, not from ourselves, and we may even exercise a shattering influence of which we are not master.
The enthusiasm of the disciple must have its well-spring in the depths of his inner life. He must therefore be able to remain impassive in the face of any event, no matter how catastrophic. That is the only way to reach freedom. The dissociation of feeling, thinking and willing produces in the brain a change that is symbolized by the Crown of Thorns. If this test is to be passed without danger, the powers inherent in the personality must be sufficiently intense and in perfect equilibrium. If the disciple has not reached this stage, or if he receives wrong guidance, the change in the brain may lead to insanity. Insanity is nothing but an involuntary separation of these faculties without the possibility of their reunion by dint of the inner will. The disciple brings about the separation by an act of conscious volition. A flash of his will re-establishes the link between the organs and the activities of soul. In the lunatic, the cleft may be incurable and produce a physical lesion in the nerve-centers.

In the course of the stage in the Christian initiation known as the Crowning with Thorns, there arises the phenomenon known as the Guardian of the Threshold the appearance of the lower double of man. The spiritual being of man, composed of his impulses of will, his desires and his thoughts, appears to the Initiate in visible form. It is a form that is sometimes repugnant and terrible, for it is the offspring of his good and bad desires and of his karma it is their personification in the astral world, the Evil Pilot of the Egyptian Book of the Dead. This form must be conquered by man before he can find the higher Self. The Guardian of the Threshold which has been a phenomenon of astral vision from times immemorial, is the origin of all the myths concerning the struggles of Heroes with monsters of Perseus and Hercules with the Hydra, of St. George and Siegfried with the dragon.

The premature appearance of the astral world and the sudden apparition
of the Double or Guardian of the Threshold may lead a man who is not fully
prepared or who has not taken all the precautions necessary for the disciple,
to madness and insanity."
( Rudolf Steiner, An esoteric cosmology, VIII: The Christian Mystery, 35-36 )


"- A külső sötétség olyan, mint valami nagy sárkány, melynek farka a saját szájában van; ez a sötétség az egész világon kívül van, és körülveszi a világot." ( Pistis Sophia 126. fejezet )

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