Kiemelt bejegyzés

"De máris vált a kép. Új mese szól a mikrofonból." ~ „Narcissus… hermafroditism… Bisexuality… Ah, interesting!"

"Isten is szeret. Ő is szenvedett. Ő is hosszú ideig várt a találkozásra." ( C. S Lewis, A nagy válás, 109 ) "De...


The Christian Mystery III. ~ The Scourging / Continuing forever to save sentient beings, (...)"

 The Scourging



"The Scourging. - At this stage man learns to resist the scourgings of life. Life brings sufferings of all kinds - physical, moral, intellectual, spiritual. Life is felt to be a dreadful and incessant torture. The disciple must endure it with perfect equanimity of soul and heroic courage. He must cease to know physical or moral fear. When he has become fearless, he sees, in dream, the scene of the Scourging. In another vision he sees himself in the Christ Who is scourged. Certain symptoms in physical life accompany this event. There is an intensification of the life of feeling, a wider sense of life and of love. We have an example of heightened sensibility transferred to the world of intelligence, in the life of Goethe. After lengthy osteological studies of the skeleton of man and of the animals, as well as comparative embryological research, Goethe came to the conclusion that the intermaxillary bone must exist in man. Before his time, science denied the existence of this bone in the upper jaw of man. Goethe himself says that he was overcome with joy and a kind of ecstasy when he actually discovered the intermaxillary bone in the human jaw, adding that it was one of the most wonderful experiences of his life. During his Italian journey he again had the same experience. He was looking at a fragment of a sheep's skull, and another idea came to him -  an idea still more significant in regard to human evolution - that the human brain, the seat of intelligence, the center of voluntary movements, is a development and a metamorphosis of the spinal narrow, just as the flower is a culmination and synthesis of root and stem. What faculty was it that enabled Goethe to make these marvelous discoveries which by themselves deserve to make his name immortal? It was his sublime intelligence on the one hand, but also his intense sympathy with all living beings and the whole of Nature. Such sensitiveness is a refinement and an extension of the forces of life and love. It corresponds to the second stage of Christian initiation and is the recompetense for the trial of Scourging. Man aquires a feeling of love for all beings and this gives him a sense of living in the heart of Nature herself." ( Rudolf Steiner, An esoteric cosmology, VIII: The Christian Mystery, 35-36 ) ~ /

"Vowing openly with all world beings,
Entering together Amita’s ocean of great vows, Continuing forever to save sentient beings, (...)"
( Morning Bell Chant )

"Beings are numberless; I vow to awaken them. Delusions are inexhaustible; I vow to end them. Dharma gates are boundless; I vow to study them; Buddha’s Way is unsurpassable; I vow to fulfill it." ( Four Great Vows )

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