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"De máris vált a kép. Új mese szól a mikrofonból." ~ „Narcissus… hermafroditism… Bisexuality… Ah, interesting!"

"Isten is szeret. Ő is szenvedett. Ő is hosszú ideig várt a találkozásra." ( C. S Lewis, A nagy válás, 109 ) "De...


The Christian Mystery II. ~ Washing of the Feet

  Washing of the Feet



"The Washing of the Feet is a preparatory exercise of a moral character, relating to the scene where Christ washes the feet of the disciples before the Easter Festival (St. John 13): "Verity, verily I say unto you, the servant is not greater than his Lord; neither he that is sent greater than he that sent him." Theology gives a purely moral interpretation to this act and looks upon it merely as an example of the profound humility and devotion of the Master to His disciples and His work. The Rosicrucians also held this view but in a deeper sense, relating the story to the evolution of all beings in Nature. The scene is really an allusion to the law that the higher is a product of the lower. The plant might say to the mineral: I am above you since I have a life which you have not; yet without you I could not exist, for the substances which nourish me are drawn from you. The animal again might say to the plant: I am above you, for I have feeling, desires, the capacity for voluntary movement which you have not; but without the food which you provide, without your leaves and fruits I could not live. And man should say to the plants: I am above you, but to you I owe the oxygen which I breathe. To the animals he should say: I have a soul and you have not; yet we are brothers and companions, involved in the great process of evolution. The esoteric meaning of the Washing of the Feet is that Jesus the Christ, the Messiah, the Son of God, could not exist without the Apostles. The neophyte who meditates on this theme for months and years has a vision of the Washing of the Feet in the astral world during sleep. Then he is ready to pass to the second stage of the Christian initiation. ( Rudolf Steiner, An esoteric cosmology, VIII: The Christian Mystery, 34-35 ) ~


"Jesus Washes an Apostle's Feet" by Laurie Olson Lisonbee, 2006.

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